Smiling young boy laying on a blanket

It’s investing for a better life

Our goal is to provide the tools you need to achieve financial empowerment, and help prepare for a more independent and secure future.

For too long, people with disabilities could not save for the future out of fear of losing needed government benefits. The disability community fought long and hard to change this, and together we’ve come up with a solution.

An ABLE for ALL Savings Plan is a way to save for eligible expenses, invest for the future and keep the benefits you rely on every day.

Learn about the program

Are you eligible?

Any U.S. citizen who developed a qualifying disability before the age of 26 is eligible for an account. If someone can’t open an account themselves, an Authorized Legal Representative (also known as an ALR) can do it for them.

An ALR must attest that they have been selected by the beneficiary with legal capacity, designated as the Power of Attorney, Legal Guardian, or Conservator for the beneficiary, are a spouse, parent, sibling, or grandparent of the beneficiary, or are a representative payee (individual or organization).

See if you’re eligible

What are the ABLE benefits?

You can save and invest up to $18,000 a year for a wide range of eligible expenses and your account’s growth is tax free.

Best of all, your benefits won’t be affected, including your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) as long as the account stays below $100,000. Other benefits are not affected regardless of the amount saved in the account.

You’ll also have access to our network of established partners in the disability community for more support in reaching your financial goals.

Explore all the benefits

How does it work?

The account can be managed online, so it’s easy to access, contribute, or withdraw money; even friends and relatives can add to the account. It’s never been easier to save and invest for your future.

See how it works

What qualifies as an eligible expense?

The money from the account can be used for everyday needs or an unexpected turn of events. The eligible expenses are geared towards improving health, independence, and quality of life. Including:

  • Living expenses

  • Education

  • Housing

  • Transportation

  • Employment training and support

  • Assistive technology

  • Personal support services

  • Health, prevention, and wellness

  • Financial management

  • Administrative services

  • Legal fees

  • Oversight and monitoring

  • Funeral and burial

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Find out more

What makes us special?

Our program is unique because it was created with the support of people with disabilities and those working with the disability community. We collaborate with nonprofit organizations and government agencies that focus on disability issues and champion our cause.

Our support team goes above and beyond with intensive training to help empower beneficiaries with information provided in a way that is most useful for that person.

We’re also the first ABLE program to partner with Vestwell State Savings, LLC, a program manager that offers a fun, simple, and intuitive online platform that helps people manage their ABLE accounts to reach their dreams.