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Answers at your fingertips

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How often can I reload the card?

There is no limit to the number of times you can reload your card on a given day or month; however, withdrawals from the ABLE account to any ABLE cards may not exceed $5,000 per day and $20,000 per month.

How do I load the card?
The ABLE Visa® Prepaid Card offers a convenient way for beneficiaries and Authorized Legal Representatives (also known as ALRs) to spend funds from their ABLE accounts. Here's how to fund your ABLE Visa Prepaid Card: Log in to your account Once you've logged in, initiate a withdrawal directly to... Read more
Who is True Link?
True Link Financial, Inc. is a financial technology company that powers the ABLE Visa® Card features and services. ABLE for All partnered with True Link to give cardholders access to custom features and controls. Cardholders have the option to set up restrictions on certain spending categories —... Read more
How do I sign up for a card?
In just a few steps you can sign up to receive an ABLE Visa® Prepaid Card. After you've registered, it takes about 6-8 business days to receive your card in the mail. For any subsequent cards, you may opt to pay for expedited shipping, which takes 2-4 business days. Then, once your card is... Read more
Is money on the prepaid card counted as an asset for benefits?

Just like the funds in your ABLE account, the funds on your ABLE Visa® Prepaid Card do not count as assets for state or federal benefits.

Do I have to file separate taxes for each ABLE account?

Each beneficiary account is treated separately. Every account is subject to a separate $18,000 annual contribution limit (or more if the beneficiary has earned wages for the year), and each ABLE account will receive separate tax documents.

Learn about ABLE to Work

What is a prepaid card?
Simply put, you add funds to a prepaid card and then use it to make purchases — either online or in-store. With an ABLE Visa® Prepaid Card, you can: Make purchases everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted Add funds from your ABLE account and reload the card as needed Have peace of mind that your... Read more
What is ABLE to Work?
The ABLE to Work Act, effective January 1, 2018, revised the Internal Revenue Code applicable to ABLE accounts to permit eligible employed beneficiaries to save more in their ABLE accounts. Over and above the standard Annual Contribution Limit ($18,000 in 2024), a working beneficiary is allowed to... Read more