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What do I need to do with my IRS Form 5498-QA form?

Keep this form in your records for future reference. You're not required to file it with your tax return.

When is IRS form 5498-QA available?

The plan administrator must send the 5498-QA by March 15, so you should receive the form no later than late March following the close of the tax year. You will receive it via mail or electronic delivery based on communications preferences.

What is IRS Form 5498-QA?
If you make a contribution to your account, you will receive IRS Form 5498-QA, which is a tax form that details all of the contributions you made throughout the tax year to your account. This form reports ABLE account contributions, rollovers and direct program-to-program transfers in the prior... Read more
When is IRS form 1099-QA available?

The plan administrator must send the 1099-QA by January 31, so you should receive the form no later than early February following the close of the tax year. You will receive it via mail or electronic delivery based on communications preferences.

What is IRS Form 1099-QA?
If you make a withdrawal from your account, you will receive the IRS Form 1099-QA, which is a tax form that details all of the withdrawals you made throughout the tax year from your account. This statement reports withdrawals from the ABLE account in the prior calendar year. You only receive a... Read more
Do I get additional tax benefits if I contribute to multiple ABLE accounts?
No, tax benefits for ABLE accounts and 529 plan accounts are aggregated for tax purposes by contributor, not by ABLE account or 529 plan. Anyone who contributes to one or more ABLE accounts or 529 plans with beneficiaries under the age of 21 can receive tax benefits up to the maximum allowable... Read more
What kind of benefits do I get?
One of the main benefits of having an ABLE account is being able to save for eligible expenses and invest for the future in a tax-advantaged account. The account's growth is tax free and you may qualify for a state income tax deduction, depending on where you live. As long as your balance stays... Read more
Do I have to pay taxes on my account?
As long as the money in your ABLE account is used for eligible expenses, it won't be counted as income for your state or federal taxes. If a purchase doesn't qualify as an eligible expense, you'll have to pay taxes and a 10% penalty on the amount. If you want to know more about the IRS regulations,... Read more
How is this different from a Special Needs Trust or Pooled Trust?
An ABLE account won't replace a Special Needs Trust or Pooled Trust. There are some key differences that are meant to give people with disabilities and their families more options. With an ABLE account: There are fewer expenses than setting up a trust. The beneficiary owns the funds and can... Read more
What is the ABLE for ALL Savings Plan?
The ABLE for ALL Savings Plan is a plan available to U.S. citizens nationwide to help those living with eligible disabilities save for qualified expenses and invest for the future in a tax-advantaged account ‒ without losing federal and state benefits (like SSI, SSDI, Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, HUD... Read more